Customer testimonials

It's always satisfying to know you have helped someone find their feet financially, and we are especially grateful when people take the time to let us know we're doing a good job!

"Helped ease my stress and anxiety. Fully assisted throughout each step. Highly professional yet friendly . Non judgemental and understanding. I would Highly recommend this service to others ."

Miss Cathie Mcwilliams

"I have rated Financial Wellness Group so high because they are very well deserved. The communication between them and me was efficient, professional but also full of understanding of my situation. The advisors have treated me with respect and care and I didn't feel judged but supported. Also I could feel that they are working well as a team as I didn't have to repeat my story from the beginning every time I spoke to someone which made it less stressful for me personally. Thank you."


"The speed and professionalism at which everything was dealt with was excellent. Very friendly approach, full understanding, experienced and knowledge of individual's needs is second to none."

Mr Kayode Akande

"I would definitely recommend them as they took the time to listen to my problems and and talk me through my options and are generally very friendly and put me at ease."

Miss Tania Worrall

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It's good to know:
  • We negotiate with the UK's major lenders and retailers
  • We pride ourselves on our approach to great customer service
  • Each month 1000s of people are benefiting from our help

To find other sources of free advice visit Money Helper. It's here to listen and give free, impartial, trusted guidance. Based around you and backed by government.

Subject to eligibility and acceptance. Fees Payable. Debt write off applies to unsecured debts only and on completion of an IVA, alternative solutions may be offered. If your IVA fails, it could lead to Bankruptcy. Your ability to obtain credit will be affected for at least 6 years. Homeowners may be required to release the equity in their property.